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How to request a testing time slot

  1. To begin you will need to log into SAMM using your WVU login credentials; this can be accessed via the OSA website and clicking SAMM in the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Select ‘testing room’ from the menu on the left.
    • From this screen you will be able to check your pending and approved booking requests.
  3. For a new test booking, select ‘new booking request’.
  4. Select the course you are booking the exam or quiz for from the drop-down menu.
  5. Choose the exam that you are going to take from the drop-down menu.
  6. Select the date and time range that you are supposed to take your exam. To select a specific day, select the same date on both calendars.
    • Please Note: If the time you are looking for is not listed, make sure to double check that you have selected the correct date and time range. If you are still not getting any options to book a seat, please speak with your instructor about the date and time they have chosen for the exam.
  7. Select a time from the list of available options on the right side of the screen.
  8. Before confirming the exam booking, make sure all the information is correct. Add in any notes in the ‘student note’ section that you feel is necessary for the professor or OSATC staff.
  9. If everything is correct, press ‘submit request’ at the bottom of the confirmation pop-up.